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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Collect Ticket Days...

today... is collecting Kobe Bryant Asia Tour ticket, he will be in singapore on 22 july at singapore indoor stadium... early in the morning wake up around 7 plus than go meet my friend yang chiak cause he just now going to work at nearby orchard.. it around 9am plus wow.. look so many people start q-ing up for ticket i guess they 7~8am start q-ing up.. when i go up i go see where is the ending queue so.. i go look for my brother girlfriend.. she also q-ing up for my bro and herself.. and found the q-ing that where brother girlfriend stand.. and it kinda short that from the ending q-ing and i wait... wait.. waited.. until 10 plus wow... so fast fill up the space of the row plus they creating 2 row..

fill up the first row..

and waited until 11.30am wow... and it finally open.... and saw people start getting their ticket so happy and it worth to wait.. haha... is like q-ing up for an iphone like that LOL... just nice my turn i got the ticket so happy... and luckily my lesson start at 1pm still can make it in time to school if not i pon ten already... i am so lucky haha....

10.30am to 11am like that the queue

now 11am queue
nice poster from Nike
i gonna get my ticket soon look at the queue so many people..

ticket cover.. COOL uh.. haha...

back cover~

Kobe Asia Tour Ticket.. wooo... sorry i can't post my seating number... for some purpose

~ACE~ is the BEST~
8:29 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

today is the most tiring of the week..

hi... i back to update for a while.. today kinda full day in school from 9am to 5pm~
around 11am plus i and my group of friend.. wei sheng, dino, sufian, raniel, jian liang and some of my classmate friend was there too... we sat one area which a class room corridor with air-con in it. and my friend they all too boring so they wan to find something to do.. than they found some yellow useless paper and fold it into a gun from a gun fold it to another thing which is very hilarious thing than they ever make lol.. here is the some picture that i showed u and please don't think negative lol...

lol... the picture look nice LOL... with that paper thing.. we place empty cans, empty packet drink in a row... whenever people pass by that row of empty drinks my friend will shout one alert sound to make people laugh and it alert in a funny + additionally we got add a bottle of perfume LOL.. to spray their legs whoever walk pass LOL... and that perfume is a lousy perfume it give smelly air out lol... after play finish and go for lesson at 1pm and same old thing carry on lol... only thing is at around 4pm got pe lesson and the bad news is my nafa is on 29th july which is 2 week ahead that was close lol... i have to gain more harder in my training...
see ya i off...
see ya continue on next update :D

~ACE~ is the BEST~
9:32 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Poor.. Bee... (Transformer)

hi... guys... haha... it happen yesterday night~
there was a small bee came to my house at night and it flying to the light there..
so around 1am like that my family all sleep except me than around 1.30 i switch off the light than went to sleep... and all light at off except my room are on for a while.. than suddenly this happen i wake up in the morning i saw a bee died on my computer i guess is kana hit by the fan and drop on my computer table... and from what i saw her body have a big cut on it well... it died already lol... i hope it will not sting me before she died... haha...

Poor Bumble Bee... haha....

~ACE~ is the BEST~
2:53 AM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

UnForgettable Memories

hi... i back~ :)... lol it a long break rest holiday..... haha... well... i here to talk about Michael Jackson Memorial Service... HEY MICHAEL JACKSON I LOVE YOU~~~... u always is the King of POP... it is a great success Memorial for JACKSON got alot of STAR and even Kobe Bryant also go watch the Memorial it such an Honor WOOO....
Jackson i will not forget u.... RIP Jackson... u already save the world.... see ya Jackson.. Farewell....

damn why always good person have to go pass faster than a normal person or a bad person? WHY???
for example
Bruce Lee - Good person
Steve Irwin - Good Person and a good crocodile Hunter
now is Michael Jackson - Good Person - King Of POP

damn... my heart so pain... :'(.....:'(....

The 5 Brothers - Michael Jackson have such a good Brothers.

Good BYE Michael Jackson Farewell....

Anyone who wan to share your Memories to Michael Jackson please go this link http://www.michaeljackson.com/

~ACE~ is the BEST~
11:13 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009

hello..... there haha..... it been a while i didn't update after my attachment finish... let start today... journey.... around 10am plus wake up which is very late already haha(a normal time for me to wake up haha fix already)... wake up already, wash up, eat breakfast, so use comp searching song until 12plus.... than go bath cause need to go CMPB defer my NS.... sianz i did in the online but i guess i didn't do it right so fail i have to go down to CMPB personally to defer my ns.... 1pm leave house go to woodlands interchange take bus 168 to tampines change to bus 31 to simei ite collage east... to get deferment letter... while i was in the Bus 31 saw my classmate HengKiat.... haha i think he skip first 2 lesson.... haha hope he can get a good result for this semster.... reach school get deferment letter.... again from school take bus 31 to Bedok Mrt Station.... which is around 2 plus already than from Bedok Mrt Station to Redhill Mrt Station which is around 30+mins..... while i was in the train reach..... Bugis..... saw my Classmate again haha... this classmate is from my special class.... his name call Joey a tall gentleman haha....opps..... saw he taking laptop from Simlim shopping mall i think is Acer model 4920 or Acer model 2920 ba.... guess only haha... than we talk for a while reach City hall he alight lol only one station he also wan to take train haha why cause he having attachment at Funan Mall selling laptop haha.... well.... he was good manage to sell one laptop away... which is very good..... again alone in the train haiz......... which Redhill station already and i alight.... so i call my dad to fetch me to CMPB well..... while i waiting for my dad.... i saw a bunch of Henderson Secondary student gathering outside the MRT 7- eleven lol.... don't know what wrong so many bag and go 7-eleven buy thing..... so from 3.30+pm..... waiting for dad until 4.00+pm which is around 30mins lol and the weather outside there freaking hot keep taking tissues wipe my sweat..... sian keep wiping the sweat non stop dripping lol.....
yesh..... finally caring daddy arrvied haha..... and finally have air-con yesh..... ok reach CMPB building..... and i ask the counter why still have to defer, and she say that i didn't submit my defer well.... lol.... well.... is my fault so i have to wait for my turn to defer from there..... yesh... my turn already....opps sorry i haven't tell ya i saw my old friend daryl over there waiting too haha.... okok
ok..... type in account and pop up the Ns thing click defer DING.... and it complete haha... finally can leave the CMPB building..... than my dad ask me u hungry?..... i sort of hungry that time so my dad alight me one of the coffee shop there to eat.... so i ate fried sause noodle it one of the Korea Best dish..... eat finish.... onboard the car.... vroom..... go home already on our way home i saw a man around age of 24-28 driving LAMBO lol well.... for my thinking driving a lambo is a waste of money only nice design cause singapore so small cannot run fast so it a waste haiz.... and i saw one patch of freaking dark cloud in the sky..... which only just ahead of another building and the feeling that the typhoon is coming LOL..... so at the express way already BKE near Bukit panjang the rain start heavily and the feeling is like WOOO TYPHOON WOO WOO WOO sound.... lol so my dad drive slowly..... and finally reach woodlands waaa got typhoon in woodlands lol.... that is my imagination only haha.... near the masiling the T junction road.... the traffic light is Green one car pass by and the speed camera Take shot lol WTF.... is that speed camera doing so another car passby and again flash again LOL.... so my dad say lol that speed camera went siao already due to the typhoon rain... sad the driver so innocent kana caught by the speed camera just nice the traffic light went red another car passby and the speed camera flash it..... suddenly the speed camera went to normal lol and that speeding driver got FINE i guess haha suay for him.... reach to another traffic light near Fuchun Community Centre and have traffic police man and i saw a car accident it 2 car crush together.... not front to front la lol a side crush... like bang bang car.... lucky no driver injurd i guess.... than my dad go fetch my mum cause at that time she finish her work already so turn in to fetch her and other reason because of the TYPHOON RAIN lol cannot anyhow walk must be careful.... than go HOME YESH... finally haha stay tune to the next journey with me haha..... see ya.... BYE...BYE...

~ACE~ is the BEST~
8:51 AM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

back to Update~

left 2 more week than i will be free.... from attachment and have 3 or 4 week of hoilday after that back to school~ study for me last 2 module sianz.... la.
Today..... around 6.45am wake up.... prepare to work... and i hate morning everytime need to squeeze in with people in a Small MRT Area.... haiz bo bian need to squeeze cause used to it in last 8 weeks...... from 8.30am start until 6pm haiz a been long but kinda a bit fun when repairing other people Desktop or notebooks.... Yesterday... i Dismantle 24-Inch Predator LCD, it kinda big and i having trouble to dismantle it cause it my first time to dismantle it..
Here how it look like......

Zoom In...

Nice uh?
6pm..... finally my work is finish can go home WOOHOO~~~~..... but i remember today i got GYM Training so reach Jurong MRT Interchange onboard and alight at Woodlands MRT Station... go breadtalk.... buy Nacho Chesse.... walk to Gym around 7.15pm and get ready for my Gym Training.... tonight kinda bad luck cause tonight suddenly got alot of people in there and i have to share the equiqment with others.... that not very nice..... though out the 2 hours i inside doing only one set of the muscle :'( well.... bo bian today suddenly too many people must face it 9.10pm reach home bath and have dinner.... and most important thing is i have to fix my bro notebook haiz..... fix until from 10pm to 11pm.... now finally can relax haha..... well.... anyone wanna to join me watching Paranormal State? hahaha.....

~ACE~ is the BEST~
7:31 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

my workings Days

hi guys..... sorry for didn't update recently...... i now on attachment no holiday already sian~ i only have 2 week holiday then attachment already my friend all enjoying their holiday i Jealous sigh~.......my attachment from 15 dec work until 20+ feb 09 wow... 2 month i hope can go very fast end.... i will post some of my working picture here hahaha...... but not so fast... need to relax first then i slowly upload one by one..... hehehe... see ya..... i will update tmr for more stuff in~

~ACE~ is the BEST~
6:55 AM